Maritime Alps

Maritime Alps

A portion of the Alps between Colle di Tenda and Colle della Maddalena,close to the French border.
3 magnificent valleys: Valle Stura, Maira and Gesso.

A portion of the Alps between Colle di Tenda and Colle della Maddalena,close to the French border.
3 magnificent valleys: Valle Stura, Maira and Gesso.

Where skiing requires a very different art from skiing on the track ...

Valle Stura


Peaks of 3,000 meters enclosed in 2 natural parks, off-piste secrets, dusty slopes and larch forests immersed in silence.

Period:December - April

Duration:6 days

Where skiing requires a very different art from skiing on the track ...

Valle Maira

Neglected by mass tourism, complete absence of lifts here the mountain has not undergone artificial manipulations.

Period:December - April

Duration:6 days

Where skiing requires a very different art from skiing on the track ...

Gesso Valley

Thanks to the proximity of the sea and its orography, often the quantity and quality of the snow is such to be able to ski until May.

Period: February -May

Duration:6 days


A portion of the Alps between Colle di Tenda and Colle della Maddalena, in Piedmont, near the city of Cuneo,close to the French border.


From December to May.


Peaks of 3,000 meters, 300 high-altitude lakes, the Serra dell'Argentera, the Gelas, with the southernmost of the glaciers in the chain enclosed in 2 model natural parks.


The welcome, the quality of Piedmontese food and wine has now surpassed national borders and the presence of numerous foreign groups every year proves this.
Precisely for this reason we think that living an Occitan experience in the company of those who have lived these valleys and lives them daily is certainly an added value.

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